Friday 16 December 2016

Donald Trump Officially Unveils Nigeria’s Adebayo Ogunlesi As Adviser

Nigerian-born US based Adebayo Ogunlesi was on Wednesday, December 14 officially unveiled by US President-elect Donald Trump as a member of his Strategic and Policy Forum charged with advising the him on economic matters.

Trump’s Transition Team in a statement on Wednesday said the president-elect also announced three additional members to join the forum.

“Earlier this month, President-elect Trump established the President’s Strategic and Policy Forum and announced an initial round of 16 members.

“The Forum is composed of some of America’s most highly respected and successful business leaders.

“They will be called upon to meet with the President frequently to share their specific experience and knowledge as the President implements his economic agenda.

“The Forum will be chaired by Stephen A. Schwarzman, the Chairman, CEO, and Co-Founder of Blackstone.

“America has the most innovative and vibrant companies in the world, and the pioneering CEOs joining this Forum today are at the top of their fields,” Mr. Trump said.

According to Mr. Trump, his administration is going to work together with the private sector to improve the business climate and make it attractive for firms to create new jobs across the United States from Silicon Valley to the heartland.

Members of the forum are to provide their individual views to the president, informed by their unique vantage points in the private sector on how government policy impacts economic growth, job creation and productivity.

The forum is designed to provide direct input to the president from many of the best and brightest in the business world in a frank, non-bureaucratic and non-partisan manner.

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