Friday 16 December 2016

6 Shocking Facts From The DSS Report That Show EFCC’s Ibrahim Magu Is Corrupt

The refusal of the Nigerian Senate to confirm the nomination of acting Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Ibrahim Magu as the substantive chairman has set pulses rising.

Details later emerged of a certain DSS report that indicted the man tasked with ensuring a corrupt-free system which nailed him and showed that his hands were not clean. There were allegations of no love lost between him and DSS director, Lawal Daura

Below are six notable points from the DSS report that sealed Magu’s fate at the Senate yesterday;

1.) Magu is currently occupying a residence rented for N40m at N20m per annum. This accommodation was not paid [for] from the commission’s finances, but by a retired air commodore, one Umar Mohammed, who is a questionable businessman who has subsequently been arrested by the secret service.

2.) In August 2008, sensitive documents which which were not supposed to be at the disposal of Magu were discovered in his house during the tenure of Farida Waziri as EFCC chairman. This discovery led to his redeployment to the Police force after days of detention and later suspended from the police force.

3.) It was gathered that in December 2010, the Police Service Commission (PSC) found Magu guilty of action prejudicial to state security – withholding of EFCC files, sabotage, unauthorised removal of EFCC files and acts unbecoming of a police officer, and awarded him severe reprimand as punishment.

4.) Mr. Ibrahim Magu enlisted the Federal Capital Development Authority to award a contract to Africa Energy, a company owned by the same Umar Mohammed to furnish the residence at the cost of N43m.

5.) Investigations show that the acting EFCC chairman regularly embarked on official and private trips through a private jet owned by Umar Mohammed and in one of such trips, Magu flew to Maiduguri alongside Mohammed with a bank MD who was being investigated by the EFCC over complicity in funds allegedly stolen by the immediate past petroleum minister, Diezani Alison-Madueke.

6.) The Acting EFCC boss has also maintained a high-profile lifestyle. This is exemplified by his preference for first-class air travels and in spite of Buhari’s directive to all public servants to fly economy class.

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